"Positive Office Referrals" started at SES this week! Dr. Bohler and Ms. Wilson made 29 phone calls home to celebrate SES students! Check out the video and pictures in the link below! **Note Parents: We have EARLY dismissal on Monday and Thursday with NO School on Friday.** https://bit.ly/3ZlUevK
8 months ago, SES
SES is participating in "Dot Day" all week long in art with Mrs. Reese! On Friday, September 15, we will wear dots to celebrate the dot book's 20th anniversary! #BeADifferenceMaker #SESFamily #LoveLearnGrow
8 months ago, SES
Dot Day 2023
Dot Day 2023
Check out how SES students are learning about the CKH Word of the Month, Empathy! Also, see what's coming up soon (Book Fair and Parent Teacher Conferences). https://bit.ly/45L9lBp
8 months ago, SES
SES and SIS want to say THANK YOU to Chartwells and SHS JROTC for helping make our "Grand" Night a huge success! We couldn't have done it without you! #BeADifferenceMaker #YJNation
9 months ago, SES
Chartwells Thank You
JROTC Thank you!!
Check out what's happening at SES this week, September 4-8, 2023. *Remember: No School on Monday!* https://bit.ly/3La1yVs
9 months ago, SES
Check out what's happening at Sheridan Elementary School! Take a minute to watch our short video about Social Contracts in ALL Classrooms! #BeADifferenceMaker #SESfamily #lovelearngrow https://bit.ly/3KWUCuZ
9 months ago, SES
SES Students are loving the daily fresh fruits and vegetables for snacks! They always ask, "What's the snack today?" #BeADifferenceMaker #SESFamily #lovelearngrow
9 months ago, SES
fruits and veggies
Sheridan Elementary Families: We are having our first PTO meeting on August 29 at 5:00 in the SES cafeteria. We hope to see you there! #BeADifferenceMaker #SESFamily
9 months ago, SES
We love when families support our teachers! Mrs. Thomas received a personalized "lunch cart" for her students from current student, Ethan Townsend, and former student, Alivia Hunter! #BeADifferenceMaker
9 months ago, SES
Families Supporting Teachers!
SES Families check out our weekly newsletter! We have our "GRAND" night happening soon! Make sure to click on the link for details! https://bit.ly/3YFHHTV
9 months ago, SES
Sheridan Elementary and Sheridan Intermediate Host their annual "GRAND" Night on Tuesday, September 5 at SHS. #BeADifferenceMaker #YJNation
9 months ago, SES
Grand Night
SES had the opportunity last week to strengthen our team by learning all about each other and our Enneagram types! ••What is the Enneagram?•• The Enneagram is a personality test that reveals more than what’s on the surface. It dives deep into nine unique personality types and gives insight into each persons motivations and perspectives. ••The Why•• By discussing Enneagram types, we were able to deepen our connection and open up the possibility for more compassion, understanding, and empathy. “A team that works well together performs better, communicates better, and enjoys more purpose-filled work.” #BeADifferenceMaker #sesfamily
9 months ago, SES
SES had a FANTASTIC first day of school!!! Here's to being a Difference Maker Every Day!! #sesfamily #lovelearngrow #BeADifferenceMaker
9 months ago, SES
SES 1st Day!!!
SES Families, We are SO excited to welcome our students back to school! Check out our first newsletter of the year by clicking on the link below! https://bit.ly/3qqQv34
9 months ago, SES
We LOVED seeing our SES families at Open House!! The kids are ready, and we can't wait to get this year started! #lovelearngrow #SESFamily #BeADifferenceMaker
9 months ago, SES
We hope to see you at SES Open House on Tuesday, August 8 starting at 5:00 pm. Teacher letters were sent home this week. Make sure to stop by and purchase a snow cone from Kona Ice after you meet your teacher! (Come out through the Gym) #sesfamily #lovelearngrow
10 months ago, SES
SES Open House
Sheridan Elementary School Open House Tuesday, August 8 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Classroom teachers will send families personal letters with Open House appointment times. Letters will go out Monday, July 31.
10 months ago, SES
Open House 2023
SES Families: We have subscribed to a Summer Reading Program through Lightbox Learning! You can click on the link below for some FREE summer reading! https://bit.ly/46qJ1gX
11 months ago, SES
SES incoming kindergarten students to "signed" their letter of intent for the 23-24 school year! Have you registered your child yet? *We will have another signing day in early August!* #sesfamily #lovelearngrow
12 months ago, SES
SES Signing Day
SES Signing Day
Mrs. Bohler challenged the SES students to grow 5,000 points on their Spring NWEA Tests! Students went above the goal to 8,000 points! So...Mrs. Bohler had to KISS a baby calf! #sesfamily #lovelearngrow
12 months ago, SES
kissing a cow