SIS Parents, we would like your input. Please take a moment to complete the SIS Spring Parent Survey. http://bit.ly/1pEZuIn Thank you!

All five SIS stockmarket teams placed in the Top 10 out of 38 teams regionally. The stock portfolios earned between $1775 and $4666 over the eight weeks of competition in this virtual competition.

Congratulations to SIS 6th Quiz Bowl Team for earning 1st Runner up in the Pine Bluff Quiz Bowl Tournament!

Today SIS students sampled "Mocamole" a recipe that uses soybeans & peas instead of avocado to make guacamole.

SIS tumblers have arrived. You can pick them up on Thursday 4/7 through Monday 4/11. Tumblers not picked up on Monday will be sent home with students on Tuesday.

The SIS April calendar is now avaiable to view under the parents tab. http://bit.ly/1RMRTRv

Congratulations to our Science Fair winners! We had over 75 students who participated this year. Thank you for your hard work!

22 students were chosen for the Clinton Library Curbside Couture Fashion Show. Congratulations to these students!

Thank you to all the SIS dads who attended the WATCH DOGS Kickoff tonight and signed up to volunteer!

SIS GT Students were recognized at the board meeting Monday, March 28th.

SIS will host a kick off meeting tonight @ 6:30 for WATCH DOGS (Dads Of Great Students), a new father involvement program.

Parents: We have added a link to printable calendars under the Parents tab. The March calendar is available now: http://bit.ly/1RMRTRv

Check out the SIS March issue of The Monthly Sting newsletter here: http://bit.ly/1p4WZzC or click on Publications on the SIS webpage.

Mrs. DeSoto's 3rd grade GT group published a book!

These students had perfect attendance for the first semester!

These students had perfect attendance for the first semester!

These students had perfect attendance for the first semester!

These students had perfect attendance for the first semester!

Some of our fifth-grade Gifted and Talented students are selling their invention, Super Slime, at Park Plaza today!

Here is a picture of SIS 4th graders with their circuit cars they created for their cardboard cities project.