SIS Parents, we would like your input. Please take a moment to complete the SIS Spring Parent Survey. Thank you!
almost 9 years ago, Sheridan Intermediate School
All five SIS stockmarket teams placed in the Top 10 out of 38 teams regionally. The stock portfolios earned between $1775 and $4666 over the eight weeks of competition in this virtual competition.
almost 9 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Congratulations to SIS 6th Quiz Bowl Team for earning 1st Runner up in the Pine Bluff Quiz Bowl Tournament!
almost 9 years ago, Sheridan Intermediate School
Today SIS students sampled "Mocamole" a recipe that uses soybeans & peas instead of avocado to make guacamole.
almost 9 years ago, Sheridan Schools
SIS tumblers have arrived. You can pick them up on Thursday 4/7 through Monday 4/11. Tumblers not picked up on Monday will be sent home with students on Tuesday.
almost 9 years ago, Sheridan Intermediate School
The SIS April calendar is now avaiable to view under the parents tab.
almost 9 years ago, Sheridan Intermediate School
Congratulations to our Science Fair winners! We had over 75 students who participated this year. Thank you for your hard work!
almost 9 years ago, Sheridan Intermediate School
22 students were chosen for the Clinton Library Curbside Couture Fashion Show. Congratulations to these students!
almost 9 years ago, Sheridan Intermediate School
Thank you to all the SIS dads who attended the WATCH DOGS Kickoff tonight and signed up to volunteer!
almost 9 years ago, Sheridan Schools
SIS GT Students were recognized at the board meeting Monday, March 28th.
almost 9 years ago, Sheridan Intermediate School
SIS will host a kick off meeting tonight @ 6:30 for WATCH DOGS (Dads Of Great Students), a new father involvement program.
almost 9 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Parents: We have added a link to printable calendars under the Parents tab. The March calendar is available now:
almost 9 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Check out the SIS March issue of The Monthly Sting newsletter here: or click on Publications on the SIS webpage.
almost 9 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Mrs. DeSoto's 3rd grade GT group published a book!
almost 9 years ago, Sheridan Intermediate School
These students had perfect attendance for the first semester!
about 9 years ago, Sheridan Schools
These students had perfect attendance for the first semester!
about 9 years ago, Sheridan Schools
These students had perfect attendance for the first semester!
about 9 years ago, Sheridan Schools
These students had perfect attendance for the first semester!
about 9 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Some of our fifth-grade Gifted and Talented students are selling their invention, Super Slime, at Park Plaza today!
about 9 years ago, Sheridan Schools
Here is a picture of SIS 4th graders with their circuit cars they created for their cardboard cities project.
about 9 years ago, Sheridan Schools