SES students celebrated the 100th Day of School with a morning pep rally full of FUN!! #lovelearngrow
12 months ago, SES
100tn Day
100tn Day
SES students collected items for the Grant County Unified Resource Council (GCURC) during the Great Kindness Challenge! #lovelearngrow #greatkindnesschallenge
12 months ago, SES
Great Kindness Challenge
Our weekly newsletter has information about our upcoming 100th Day of School Celebration, The Great Kindness Challenge, and the Sweetheart Dance! Please make sure to watch the NEW Morning Car Drop Off Procedures that will begin on Monday, January 22. Car Video: Newsletter Video:
about 1 year ago, SES
Check out what has been happening at SES this past week! The newsletter is also full of events coming up in the month of January! **Remember NO School on Monday, January 15.
about 1 year ago, Lindsey Bohler
SES 2nd graders in Mrs. Watsons class are writing, reading, and performing their own music! #lovelearngrow
about 1 year ago, SES
Making Music at SES
SES staff say "THANK YOU" for our cinnamon rolls from Stevie and Harper Muawad's family! We are rolling into testing weeks! #lovelearngrow
about 1 year ago, SES
SES says Thank You!
Check out what's coming up soon at SES by clicking on the link below! There is also a video about NWEA testing that you can watch with your child!
about 1 year ago, SES
SES students participated in "Go Green with 4-H in 2024" on Friday, January 5 to support Grant County 4-H. Eli Bean, Noah Alexander, and Maverick Williams were selected as winners for wearing as much green as you can! #lovelearngrow #gogreenwith4H
about 1 year ago, SES
Go Green with 4-H in 2024
Check out times for Christmas Parties on Wednesday, December 20 by clicking below. Make sure to bring your ticket with you to the party!
about 1 year ago, Lindsey Bohler
Check out what's happening in our classrooms by clicking on the link below! December 11-15, 2023
about 1 year ago, SES
The SES staff loves a good breakfast especially when provided by our wonderful families! Thank You to the Hackney Family for such a yummy treat! #sesfamily
about 1 year ago, SES
thank you
Make sure to click on the link below for more information about: Pancakes with Santa, 12 Days of Christmas, and Christmas Party Information!
about 1 year ago, SES
SES: 12 Days of Christmas for students and staff! #sesfamily
about 1 year ago, SES
SES 12 Days of Christmas
Sheridan Elementary PTO is hosting "Pancakes with Santa" on Saturday, December 9 in the SES cafeteria. ALL Sheridan families and students are invited. You can purchase tickets at the door. Come visit with Santa at SES!
about 1 year ago, SES
SES Pancakes with Santa
Check out the upcoming event at SES this month! *There will be no fruit or veggie snack on Monday, so please send a snack with your child.*
about 1 year ago, SES
SES students collected over 2,500 items for a local food pantry! What a great way to kick off the Thanksgiving Break! #differencemakers #sesfamily
about 1 year ago, SES
SES Can Drive 2023
SES Can Drive 2023
SES Can Drive 2023
SES Can Drive 2023
SES Can Drive 2023
SES Can Drive 2023
What a GREAT day for our SES Kindergarten students to learn about community helpers in Grant County!! #differencemakers #sesfamily
about 1 year ago, SES
SES Staff say THANK YOU to Jacob Paty Logging for the treats today! We loved them! #differencemakers #sesfamily
about 1 year ago, SES
SES Staff say THANK YOU!
SES Fall Festival (Curriculum Night) was a SUCCESS!! Thank you to People's Bank (and cooks) for the hot dogs and PTO for all the candy! Shout out to all the students from SMS and SHS who came to volunteer. SES teachers you rocked at providing fun, instructional games for our kids! #differencemakers #lovelearngrow
about 1 year ago, SES
Fall Festival 2023
Fall Festival 2023
Fall Festival 2023
Check out the SES Weekly Newsletter by clicking on the link below!
about 1 year ago, Lindsey Bohler